Make your Library Management more easy
Manage students, fees, seat allocation management, shift management, manage books, attendance, sms reminder, renewal reminder, and more...
1. Manage Students: Easily manage a large number of students, also use webcam for capture photos from anywhere on any device.
2. Student Attendance App: Student Mobile App for QR Code Based attendance, student can easily enter and exit mark attendance. Student can check report every day total study hours study in hall.
3. Manage Locker & Registration Fees: You can setup locker and registraion fees amount, collect monthly locker amount more..
4. Dynamic Days Wise Shift Create: You can create dynamic days wise shift with days according amount setup.
5. Front Library Website: Student can check library location and book thier seat online also renewal seat online, check gallery also.
6. WhatsApp Integration: Communicate payments reminders and invoices, wishes, offers and more over WhatsApp
7. Manage Finance: Complete finance management including collection and expenses. Student Fees, and Extra Library Incomes.
8. Multiple Branch: This Software has a special feature of multiple branch management for those running more than 1 branch.
9. Permission Based Users: Permission based manager create for separate branch with super admin can assign menu names with relevant permission.
10. Books Management: you can manage exams prepration books. also book issued in registered students and return books, manage books stock.
11. Send Bulk SMS: Bulk SMS, automatic SMS alerts for students regarding payment dates, dues and seat renewal, holidays reminders more.
12. Secure Your Data: Daily automatic secure backup on your own personal domain hosting. More...